Main missions 主要任務
Level 1 - Organise and manage production 組織和管理生產
- Guarantee performance (Quality Cost Deadline Safety Management) 保證工作表現(質量、成本、交付期限、安全管理)
- Manage workload, organize and optimize production and staff taking into account variable presence/absence data 管理生產負荷,在考慮出勤和缺勤變動的基礎上,組織和優化生產及人員使用
- Coordinate and prioritise the action of all employees involved 協調并擇優選取相關行動計劃
- Guarantee customer satisfaction (analyze requirements and demands, manage actions) 保證客戶滿意度(分析需求和要求,管理措施)
- Report results and analyze deviations 報告結果并分析差距
- Organise the transmission of instructions between Autonomous Production Teams 在不同的生產團隊之間傳達指令
- Monitor compliance with standards (production, quality, health-safety, etc.) and company rules 監督企業規章標準等(生產、質量、衛生-安全等)和企業的紀律的執行
- Monitor the maintenance and improvement of production equipment 監督生產設備維護和改進
- Organise at least one Top5 meeting per week and per Autonomous Production Team (information from senior managers) 每周每個生產團隊至少組織一次Top5會議(根據上級經理提供的信息)
- Deploy objectives and manage action plans 部署目標并領導行動計劃
- Resolve anomalies and disputes of the Autonomous Production team and between the Autonomous Production team and its environment 解決生產團隊內部和生產團隊之間及其所處環境中的異常和爭議
- Make the necessary decisions to optimise results, in line with initial data 根據生產線原始數據,做出必要的決定和選擇以優化結果
- Support Process Leaders in their role and help them to achieve their objectives 支持工藝負責人的工作,幫助他們達到目標
- Lead his/her team continuously and coordinate the missions of his/her employees 持續領導團隊,協調其下屬的任務
- Following a customer incident, attend the 8D meeting and carry out relevant actions 在出現客戶問題后,參加8D會議,完成相關的措施
2 - Manage the continuous improvement of the cell 領導生產區域的持續改進
- Organize progress meetings, monthly meetings 組織流程會議及月度會議
- Propose, take part in or coordinate projects (5S, quality, production, logistics, etc.) and site
progress plan actions 建議、參加或推動相關項目(5S,質量、物流等)和工廠各項改進工作
- Propose, defend and monitor productivity actions 建議、論證并跟蹤生產效率提升行動
- Develop standards (production, IMS, quality, maintenance, etc.) 推動各種標準實施(生產、IMS、質量、維修等)
- Manage the suggestions system 管理建議系統
- Take part in new product/process projects (FMECA, follow-up, development, etc.) 參加新的項目開發(產品/工藝),參與FMECA,跟進,開發等工作。
- Promote team autonomy 提高團隊的獨立自主性
3 - Liaise with the platform and senior managers保持同平臺輔助部門和上級之間的有效溝通
- Optimise relations between cells and the platform team 優化生產區域和輔助平臺部門之間的關系
- Establish and monitor the dashboard for the cell(s) 建立并管理工段的看板記錄
- Manage the cell's budget (improvements, reporting, etc.) and help to establish the budget for the Autonomous Production Unit 管理工段的預算(改進,報告工作等)并參加生產預算的編制
- Distribute information (to managers, to his/her employees, to other supervisors, etc.) 信息傳遞(向上匯報,向下傳達,橫向傳達等)
4 - Manage his/her activity 管理他人
- Based on the objectives of his/her activity, prepare action plans and coordinate the missions of his/her team in a coherent manner 在其團隊工作目標基礎上,制定行動計劃,并協調其團隊的工作使行動保持連續性
- Propose an annual operating budget for his/her activity, and ensure that it is adhered to 提出每年部門預算,并保證預算被執行
- Propose the necessary resources for attaining his/her objectives and implement the necessary actions for staff turnover (recruitment, transfers, dismissal/redundancy) and investments according to budgetary forecasts and labour constraints 根據預算,預測和人員需求的限定,執行人員的調動和配置(招聘、變動、解雇)及投資等行動
- Monitor performance indicators for his/her activity, implement corrective actions if necessary and inform his/her teams of them 跟蹤自身工作的績效指標,必要時采取糾錯措施,并向其團隊傳遞其績效表現
- Conduct annual performance reviews, set the objectives of his/her employees, including functional staff, then ensure deployment all the way down the hierarchy 實施年度員工績效評估,確定每個下屬員工(包括職能性的下屬)的績效目標,確保相關績效指標被向下分派到每個下屬階層
- Develop the team's skills for the activity and propose individual and/or group training actions that are necessary to maintain performance levels of activities, in collaboration with the Functional Manager 配合職能經理,基于保證及提升績效的目的,建議個人或集體培訓計劃,發展團隊的工作能力
- Advise employees on professional development in agreement with the Functional Manager and promote internal mobility 在得到部門經理的許可下,對員工職業發展提出建議,并進行內部調動
- Propose salary increases in agreement with the Functional Manager within the framework of the group's salary policy 在集團工資政策框架下,在得到部門經理同意的前提下,建議員工工資的調整幅度
- Enforce appropriate disciplinary measures for his/her employees, when necessary 如果需要,對員工采取相應的獎懲措施
- Ensure that his/her teams remain motivated and that there is a good internal atmosphere 確保所負責的團隊保持能動性和良好的內部氛圍
- Check and approve team members' expense claims (travel, etc.) and authorizations for absence/vacations 檢查并批準團隊成員的報銷申請(差旅等),批準下屬的請假申請
- Ensure that job descriptions are updated according to group procedures 根據集團程序,保證工作職能描述的更新
Provide reports of his/her activity 匯報其工作情況
Level 2
Analyse and optimise complex technological processes requiring the mastery of several technical specialities including mechanics, plastic injection, mechanica